missing summer/Last Summer Whisper (7inch)

7inch vinyl
missing summer/Last Summer Whisper

A1. missing summer
B1. Last Summer Whisper

​¥2,000 (without tax)
 2022.08.06 Release / DOBEATU
※City Pop on Vinyl 2022 参加作品 <完全限定プレス>

4th Full Album「swing in the dark」(DBTU17/2022年1月発売)に収録され話題になった「missing smmer」が待望の7inch化!
湯浅佳代子(Tb), 織田祐亮(TRI4TH/Tp), 藤田淳之介(TRI4TH/Sax)豪華ホーン隊が参加、ブラコン味溢れる煌びやか×ダンサブルなAORソング。
B面では角松敏生が作詞作曲を手がけた杏里の「Last Summer Whisper」を涼し気なラテン・ラウンジ調にカヴァー。

Japanese City Pop band GOOD BYE APRIL releases a new 7inch. Their representative summer tune “missing summer” is on Side A. This track is AOR with a mix of black contemporary. On Side B, they covered Anri’s song “Last Summer Whisper”, which has become a hot topic overseas. And this is cool and chill with a mix of Latin and lounge feeling.
